Does your company or institution use PULP? Please, let us know via email or send us a direct message on Twitter. We would love to expand our user list.
This is our new mascot, Bianca The Bear. She is the successor of Alex The Bear who used to be our mascot. Sadly, he disappeared during the WOSH event in Zurich in June, 2022. Wherever he might be, we hope he is well.
16 June 2022
Our 64-bit Ariane core has found a new home with the
OpenHW Group under the name CVA6 and will be taken care of it as part of the Core-V project. You can find the repository 坚果app官网下载.
9 June 2022
seL4, a high-performance operating system microkernel, has been verified on RISC-V thanks to the contribution of the creators of PULP's Ariane. seL4 now achieves comprehensive formal verification on RISC-V without compromising performance. Read more.
8 June 2022
AI-deck, a collaborative product of BitCraze, GreenWaves Technologies and ETH Zurich has been just released. The deck is capable of hosting artificial intelligence-based workloads and thereby enabling super-edge computing on Crazyflie thanks to the GAP8 processor. Read more.
Do you need help with PULP?
We have started an Online Forum. Please register and ask your question. Discussions on individual GitHub pages or the following links might be helpful, as well:
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